Planned Giving Options

If you would like to... Then you should consider... How to: Benefits:
Make a gift now that is easy and convenient Giving from cash income or securities Write a check; donate securities by contacting Pam Winthrop at A cash gift is as easy as writing a check. A gift of securities allows one to substitute stock for cash as a gift to the school, without owing any capital gain tax.
Make a substantial gift now at little out-of pocket cost Donating appreciated securities or an existing insurance policy with cash value Please contact Pam Winthrop at Have a major impact on the future of St. Anne's - Belfield School while conserving your cash income.
Make a gift that takes effect at the end of life A bequest Write a will or add a codicil. Assets remain within your reach if needed.
Avoid capital gain tax Give appreciated property, either securities, real estate, or certain personal property For gifts of securities, please contact Pam Winthrop at Give appreciated property and conserve cash for other uses.
Make a gift that provides stable and secure income for retirement Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) Transfer cash or property subject to a Charitable Gift Annuity agreement with St. Anne's-Belfield School. A fixed income at generous levels, guaranteed by St. Anne's-Belfield School.
Make a gift that hedges against inflation Charitable Remainder Unitrust Execute a trust that pays a set percentage (at least 5%) of trust assets as valued each year. Income is variable, rising when trust increases in value, and shrinking with trust assets.
Make a gift that pays future retirement income at elevated level Deferred CGA Transfer property now; specify start of income at anticipated retirement. A 50-year-old's annuity, deferred for ten years, would rise to c.9% from c.5%.
Share assets with family while avoiding estate taxes Charitable Lead Trust Create trust to hold assets that will pay income to the school for a specified time, and then distributes to individuals. Several years' worth of income payments to the school, then assets distributed to other beneficiaries of trust.
Give to several organizations including St. Anne's-Belfield School A Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable Lead Trust that benefits a range of organizations Please contact Pam Winthrop at for an illustration of either gift type. You can retain the right to alter the beneficiaries of a charitable remainder trust.
Avoid double taxation on retirement plans Designate part or all of a Retirement Plan to charitable organizations Designate retirement plan assets for the school, and earmark other, less-heavily-taxed assets for heirs. Massive tax savings, and increased inheritance for both family and the school.

In addition to these types of planned gifts, individuals may receive benefits from gifts made from retirement accounts, real estate, and appreciated property. Family foundations and donor-advised funds also may provide benefits to donors interested in maximizing impact to the School and/or managing tax burdens.

Any information concerning giving options or their tax benefits, on this website or otherwise, provided by St. Anne's-Belfield School is of a general educational nature only and does not constitute, or substitute for, legal advice. Please seek competent legal advice regarding how any gift to the School might affect your personal situation.