Alumni, Parents, and Grandparents by Class Year

At its heart, The Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield is a community effort. It takes all of us coming together - alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends - to make possible all of our common aspirations. We gratefully acknowledge each of the following donors, listed by their relationship to classes or roles within the School, for their contributions this past year.

* indicates a member of our community who passed away in the last year.

Consecutive Giving Key (reflective of giving to any fund):
  20   20+ Years      15   15+ Years      10   10+ Years       5    5+ Years


Alumni Giving Awards

Alumni Giving Awards
Each year, the School recognizes alumni classes which have made significant contributions to the Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield, our community’s annual giving program. Awards recognize both participation and dollars contributed.
The Malone Cup was established as a tribute to the class with the highest percentage of donors to the Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield, our community’s annual giving program. The cup is named for Pamela Malone, a beloved teacher who dedicated 34 years to enriching the lives of St. Anne's-Belfield School students. This year’s award is given to the Class of 1991.
The Peter V. R. Weeks Award is named in memory of senior master, Peter Weeks, who served as assistant headmaster, athletic director, coach, teacher, mentor, role model, and counselor for students and teachers alike between 1961 - 1981. The award recognizes the highest level of giving participation from the classes of the 1970s and 1980s. The winner of the Peter V.R. Weeks Award is the Class of 1971.
The Randolph Murray Bowl honors a dedicated alumna, Bruce Randolph Murray ’65, who with her family has given generously of her time, talent, and treasures for decades. The award is given to the reunion class with the largest total gift. This year's winner of the Randolph Murray Bowl is the Class of 1971.
The Young Alumni Participation Award recognizes the class within 14 years of graduation having the greatest level of participation in giving to the Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield, our community’s annual giving program. The Young Alumni Participation Award is given to the Class of 2011.
The Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield: Top 5 Alumni Classes for Participation
1st: Class of 1991 at 65.63%
2nd: Class of 1971 at 60%
3rd: Class of 1986 at 48.78%
4th: Class of 1976 at 42.55%
5th: Class of 1970 at 33.33%
The Fund for St. Anne’s-Belfield - Top 5 Alumni Classes for Dollars Raised
1st: Class of 2004 at $57,250
2nd: Class of 2012 at $38,380
3rd: Class of 1982 at $30,577
4th: Class of 1971 at $11,537
5th: Class of 1986 at $10,843