Wearable Art Runway Show

Transcending Time: Art & Fashion 

Jan. 25, 2025 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Brennan Hall 

The Wearable Art Runway Show showcases the special talents of our School's students and faculty.

Thank you for considering a sponsorship this year!  Your contribution helps pay for the show’s expenses, such as the instructor’s fee, music, choreographer and much more! 

We have three ticket options: general, reserved, and sponsor first-row seating.

Please reach out to wearableartrunway@gmail.com if you have any questions!

First page of the PDF file: FINAL2025RunwayShowPoster

Become a Show Sponsor!

Sponsorship Levels:

$250- one first-row reserved seat at a performance of your choice

$500- two first-row reserved seats at a performance of your choice plus 1/2 page in program

$1,000- four first-row reserved seats at a performance of your choice plus full page in program

$2,500- ten first-row reserved seats at a performance of your choice plus full page in program

Artwork for the program is due Jan. 10, 2025 and can be sent to Blair McAvoy. Please send high quality JPEG or PNG images to bmcavoy@stab.org