Rising Grades 5 - 8 New Student Course Selection
Please use the tabs below for important grade-specific information, and fill out the form to secure your child's course selections for the 2018 - 2019 year. Please submit this form within one week of receiving it.
If you have any questions, please contact Michele Mathieson.
Grade 5
The language choice made in Grade 5 is a two-year commitment. The options for fifth grade students are listed below.
- Spanish
- French
Please see the language chart that indicates the language progression for students from Grades 5 - 8 to Upper School. If you have any questions, please contact Esther Lezama, World Language Department Chair PS - 8.
New students may choose to take the violin or viola, or cello or bass if they have had previous instruction. In addition, all students will take Music and Movement, Visual Arts, and Theatre Arts.
Grade 6
The options for students new to sixth grade are listed below:
- Spanish
- French
Throughout the school year, students might be asked to meet with their language teacher for additional support during teacher office hours.
Please see the language chart that indicates the language progression for students from Grades 5 - 8 to Upper School. If you have any questions, please contact Esther Lezama, World Language Department Chair PS - 8, at elezama@stab.org.
Grade 6 students may choose between Choir or Orchestra. These classes are year-long courses. In addition, all students will take Visual Arts and Theatre Arts. All students are welcome to audition for the Grade 6 play. New students may choose to take the violin or viola, or cello or bass if they have had previous instruction.
Grade 7
The language choice made in seventh grade is a two-year commitment. Students have the option to continue their study of French or Spanish, or replace French or Spanish with a two-year study of Latin. The aim of the St. Anne’s-Belfield seventh and eighth grade language courses is to prepare students for a high school level two course. Students can change language again in ninth grade if they wish to do so. Introductory courses available to ninth grade students include Latin 1, Spanish 1, and French 1.
The options for seventh grade students are listed below:
- FRENCH: Returning students may continue with their French instruction.
- SPANISH: Returning students may continue with their Spanish instruction.
- LATIN: A student may choose to discontinue Spanish or French and take Latin 7.
The two-year sequence of Latin 7 and Latin 8 is similar to a high school level one course and will provide a strong foundation for future language study in Latin, French, or Spanish in the ninth grade.
Seventh grade students new to St. Anne’s-Belfield School with previous instruction in French or Spanish who wish to continue with that language must take a placement test to determine their instructional level. Any student who is not prepared for French 7 or Spanish 7 will be placed in Latin 7, and consequently, Latin 8 in the eighth grade.
Please see the language chart that indicates the language progression for students from Grades 5 - 8 to Upper School. If you have any questions, please contact Esther Lezama, World Language Department Chair PS - 8.
Students have one Art course for the year. Below, please choose the student's top three choices. In addition to the regular art choices, a Visual Arts and a Theatre Arts experience will be offered during the Quest block. All students are welcome to audition for the Grade 7 play.
All students in Grades 7 & 8 are required to participate in Physical Activity twice each year, one of which being on a School team or fitness class. One of their activities can be a Non-School Sponsored Physical Activity.
Grade 8
Eighth grade students new to the School with previous instruction in Spanish, Latin, or French who wish to continue their study of the language must take a placement test on New Student Orientation Day to determine their instructional level. Students who do no fulfill the 70% passing requirement of the placement test will be placed in a blended online class facilitated by a St. Anne’s-Belfield School language instructor. These students may opt to study introductory Spanish, Latin, or French through participation in the online learning platform, Middlebury Interactive. These students will then have the opportunity to continue with the same language or explore an introductory course in a different language in ninth grade.
Please see the language chart that indicates the language progression for students from Grades 5 - 8 to the Upper School. If you have any questions, please contact Esther Lezama, World Language Department Chair PS - 8.
Students have one Art course for the year. Below, please choose the student's top three choices. In addition to the regular art choices, a Visual Arts and a Theatre Arts experience will be offered during the Quest block. All students are welcome to audition for the Grade 8 play.
All students in Grades 7 & 8 are required to participate in Physical Activity twice each year, one of which being on a School team or fitness class. One of their activities can be a Non-School Sponsored Physical Activity. JV- and varsity-level play is not guaranteed for Grades 7 & 8 students. Students playing all other fall sports must start the season with their respective 7 & 8 team, with the exception of Girls' Tennis, where Grade 7 players may tryout for the JV team and Grade 8 players may try out for JV or varsity.