Grade 5 students may choose the string instrument they would like to learn. In addition, all students will take Music and Movement, Visual Arts and Theatre Arts.
The Fifth Grade String Orchestra program emphasizes solo and ensemble performance skills in a class setting through the study of classical, folk, and improvisational repertoire. The course is taught using the Bornoff Approach to string education which is based on Gestalt psychology and philosophy. Each student plays one of the four instruments of the string quartet: violin, viola, cello, or bass. Class size is strictly limited to ensure balance of the orchestra. Instrument choice selections are carefully reviewed, and students are matched with their first choices as much as possible. However, please note that there are positions for up to four bass and eight cello students only. Mrs. Lyle makes final decisions based on conversations with the student’s K - 4 music teachers and individual interviews with students and parents if necessary.