Rising Grade 7 World Language Selection

The language choice made in Grade 7 is a two-year commitment. Students have the option to continue their study of French or Spanish, or replace French or Spanish with a two-year study of Latin. The aim of the St. Anne’s-Belfield Grades 7 & 8 language courses is to prepare students for a high school level two course. Students can change language again in Grade 9 if they wish to do so. Introductory courses available to Grade 9 students include French 1, Spanish 1, and Latin 1.

The options for seventh grade students are listed below:

  • FRENCH: Returning students may continue with their French instruction.
  • SPANISH: Returning students may continue with their Spanish instruction.
  • LATIN: A student may choose to discontinue Spanish or French and take Latin 7.

The two-year sequence of Latin 7 and Latin 8 is similar to a high school level one course and will provide a strong foundation for future language study in Latin, French, or Spanish in Grade 9.

Grade 7 students new to St. Anne’s-Belfield School with previous instruction in French or Spanish who wish to continue with that language must take a placement test to determine their instructional level. Any student who is not prepared for French 7 or Spanish 7 will be placed in Latin 7, and consequently, Latin 8 in Grade 8.

Please see the language chart that indicates the language progression for students from Grades 5 - 8 to the Upper School. Please submit this form by Wednesday, Feb. 28.

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Lezama, World Language department chair PS - 8.