Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

St. Anne’s-Belfield School believes that exemplary citizenship and visionary leadership are best nurtured in a welcoming School community based on equity, inclusivity, and the pursuit of excellence. Our School provides a well-balanced educational experience that affirms the richness and diversity of humanity, creates an expectation of belonging based on shared human dignity, and encourages a desire to learn about and from each other.

La escuela St. Anne's-Belfield cree que la ciudadanía ejemplar y el liderazgo visionario se nutren mejor en una comunidad escolar acogedora basada en la equidad, la inclusión y la búsqueda de la excelencia. Nuestra escuela ofrece una experiencia educativa equilibrada que afirma la riqueza y la diversidad de la humanidad, crea una expectativa de pertenencia basada en la dignidad humana compartida y fomenta el deseo de aprender unos de otros.

St. Anne's-Belfield School 深信一个有公平、包容性和追求卓越的学校社区才最适合培养模范公民和有远见的领导能力。我们学校提供全面的教育体验,肯定人类的丰富多样性, 追求人人平等的归属感,并鼓励大家相互学习。

To learn more about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at St. Anne's-Belfield, please contact the DEIB team at deib@stab.org

St. Anne’s-Belfield School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid program, employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School.

Drone photo of a  private boarding school near Richmond VA