Parents' Association
You play a crucial role in your child's education in the community at St. Anne's-Belfield School.
From the admission process to graduation, your involvement is key to student success, and to the advancement of the community as a whole. At St. Anne's-Belfield School we are here for the whole family. Of course we want to help children's minds flourish, but we also strive to support you in this process. View the resources below to learn more about being a St. Anne's-Belfield family.
Family Resources
- What is the PA?
- PA Welcome Letter
- Get Involved!
- 2024-25 Parents' Association Board
- PA Board Position Descriptions
- Shoppers Rewards & Support the PA
- Saints Closet Uniform Consignment Sale
- Diversity & Inclusion
What is the PA?
The Parents' Association (PA) of St. Anne's-Belfield School seeks to enhance the vision and goals of the School by volunteering, by providing opportunities for parents to connect with each other, and by participating in various fundraising activities.
All parents and caregivers are members of the Association by virtue of having a student enrolled at the School.
The Association is served by a Board whose role is to coordinate the many, varied volunteer activities. Events are also often sponsored by our Saints Athletics Club and Arts Boosters some of these events may include Parents' Nights, Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day, The Wearable Arts Runway Show, The Fall Family Fest and the Maroon and White Party; and finally, the many classroom and divisional Volunteer Opportunities that abound at the School, coordinated by the Grade Level Representatives and the Division Coordinators.
PA Welcome Letter
Hello St. Anne's-Belfield Families,
As summer draws to a close, it’s time to shake out those backpacks, dig up the uniforms, and sharpen those pencils—the first day of school is just around the corner! I hope you had a refreshing summer break and are excited for the new school year. As President of the Parents’ Association, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you as we embark on the 2024-25 school year at St. Anne’s-Belfield.
Reflecting on last year, our parent/guardian and family community truly made a remarkable impact. This includes everything from supporting the library and Grandparents' and Special Friends’ Day, leading Faculty and Staff Appreciation, volunteering and showing support of our athletics and arts programs through the Saints Athletics Club and Arts Boosters, and more. I am proud of the many ways we have contributed to enriching our school environment, and I’m eager to see what we can achieve together this year.
At St. Anne’s-Belfield, every parent/guardian is automatically a member of the Parents’ Association (PA). Our goal is to foster connections among families through various volunteer opportunities and social events. Throughout the school year, you’ll hear about activities relevant to your student's grade from your Grade Level Representatives (GLRs). The Divisional Coordinators (Div Cos) will communicate the division specific events and activities. For the latest school-wide news, you’ll receive “The Belfield Bulletin,” our weekly Sunday email newsletter. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact your GLRs, Div Cos, or me directly.
We are enthusiastic about involving every family to support and strengthen our school community. Whether you can contribute an hour a week or just an hour a year, there are a variety of opportunities available to suit your schedule. You can find detailed descriptions of the PA committees on our website, or gather more information at our upcoming Volunteer Fair. If you have any questions or ideas about how you can get involved, please feel free to email me. I’m eager to connect and explore how you can contribute to our vibrant community.
To kick off the year and provide opportunities for you to engage with others, please mark your calendars for the following key dates:
- Volunteer Fair and Welcome Coffee: Friday, August 23, 8:30 a.m. at the Conway Convocation Center (Lower School Campus)
- State of the School Address: Monday, August 26, 6-8 p.m. in the LLC in Randolph Hall (Upper School Campus)
- Parents’ Association Meeting: Thursday, September 26, 8:30 a.m. at the Tarring Gym (Lower School Campus)
I look forward to seeing both familiar and new faces on campus in the coming weeks. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community. Your involvement is what makes St. Anne’s-Belfield such a special place.
Go Saints!
Warm regards,
Megan Carter, P ’31, P ’31 & ’35
Parents’ Association President 2024-25
Get Involved!
Check out our sign up page for family volunteer opportunities.
If you have an expertise or hobby that you would like to share with the School community, we want to hear from you! Please complete the survey below to let us know ways in which you could be involved in or out of the classroom with our students.
2024-25 Parents' Association Board
- President: Megan Carter
- Vice President: Shannon Mrazik
- Treasurer: Amanda McCorry
- Secretary: Caroline Walker
- Early Childhood Program Coordinators: Steph Tollefsen and Allie Scott
- K – 4 Division Coordinators: Meggie Powers and Antonio Silva Aldana
- 5 – 8 Division Coordinators: Rebecca Morgan and Janeen Brimacombe
- 9 – 12 Division Coordinators: Lisa Lyons and Holly Stancil
- Residential Life Division Coordinators: Craig Morris and Laura Norment
- St. Anne's-Belfield PA Board Liaison: Anni Quinn '12, Director of Alumni and Family Engagement
- Saints' Closet: Stephanie DeNicola-Turner and Chad Turner
- Arts Boosters Chairs: Nicole Snyder and Carrington Alvarez
- Saints Athletics Club Chairs: Tracy Reidenouer and Deb Indoe
- Class Photos: Patti Pate
- Grandparents’ and Special Friends' Day: Maria Gall and Jenn Crutchfield Worth
- Faculty and Staff Appreciation: Laura Goodman and Leigh-Taylor Sigfusson
- Library Coordinators: Wintre Johnson and Ashley Gundersen
- Saints Cares: Jill Hoppin and Mary Knerr
- Early Childhood Special Events: Caroline Childers, Elizabeth Gordon and Brandi Hamod
Grade Level Representatives (GLRs)
- Two's: Kate Gunter and Krystle Gee
- Pre-School 3's/4's: Betsy Trotta and Lauren Harbilas
- Junior Kindergarten: Walker Coleman
- Kindergarten: Marcelia Perrel and Courtney Nolde
- Grade 1: Kate Rullman and Jill Cady
- Grade 2: Claire Lewis and Ashley Meyer
- Grade 3: Loreto Barcos-Munoz and Danielle Showalter
- Grade 4: Alison Gulotta and Jen Eberline
- Grade 5: Martha Peck and Christy Cormons
- Grade 6: Leah Donahue and Esther Cho
- Grade 7: Kirsten Lorenger and Julia Hubbard
- Grade 8: Alex Thomas Schwartz and Susie Jordan
- Grade 9 Welcome Parent:
- Senior Parents: Anne Jones, Kari Couling and Danyelle Collins
PA Board Position Descriptions
St. Anne’s-Belfield School Parents’ Association Executive Board Positions
The President is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Parents’ Association and works closely with Advancement and the Head of School office to ensure that PA initiatives are done in coordination with School policy, culture and direction. The President is responsible for calling meetings, developing the agenda for meetings, and for leading all Executive, Board and General Membership meetings.
The Vice President - assists the President, presides over Executive Committee and General Membership meetings in the absence of the President, and performs other duties delegated by the President to the Vice President from time to time, especially as to representation of the Parents’ Association.
The Secretary - maintains attendance and keep and prepares accurate minutes of Executive Committee, Board and General Membership meetings. The Secretary provides copies of such minutes for distribution and approval no later than the next regular meeting. The Secretary keeps copies of all official minutes, records, and other forms, and other communications of the Parents’ Association in an up-to-date binder available at each meeting. When requested by the President or Executive Committee, the Secretary may prepare other correspondence on behalf of the Parents’ Association.
The Treasurer - oversees all funds in all of the Parents’ Association accounts, though PA funds are maintained and monitored by the School Business Office, consistent with School fiscal policies and required auditing standards and procedures. The Treasurer has the power to authorize payments from PA accounts. The Treasurer presents written snapshots of the Parents’ Association’s current financial position at each Executive Committee meeting and at least annually to the General Membership, at the request of the President.
Division Coordinators - There are two Division Coordinators for each division of the School (Preschool, Lower, Middle and Upper). The Division Coordinators meet monthly with the Division Head and facilitate communication between the Division Head and parents in their respective divisions. They also oversee Grade Level Reps in their division. Division Coordinators are expected to attend all Division activities. Division Coordinators serve for two years.
St. Anne’s-Belfield School Parents’ Association General Board Positions
Grade Level Representatives - GLRs are the point of contact for new families, plan social gatherings for the grade approximately twice a year and act as a liaison between grade level teachers and the families in the grade. A lot of this job is done over email.
Saints Closet Chair - The Saints’ Closet Chair is the PA’s biggest and most important fundraising effort. Through the collection and resale of gently used uniforms the PA is able to fund our initiatives. The Chairs manages all aspects of the uniform consignment store. Duties include, but are not limited to, overseeing uniform intake, organizing store room, planning sale dates, ordering store supplies, assisting in recruiting volunteers, pricing and tagging clothes, reporting sales’ revenues to PA President and Treasurer and coordinating with the School Business Office to send annual consignment payout to parents who have consigned uniforms.
Class Photos Chair - The Class Photos Chair works together with the four Divisional Assistants and the professional photography company to schedule, plan and execute photos for class pictures. This role is mostly remote but does involve two half-days on campus.
Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day Chairs and Committee - Every year, the school welcomes grandparents and special friends to share in the preschool and lower school classroom experiences. This year, more than 400 visitors will come to campus on this special morning. This committee helps to plan and manage the day (with the help of many day-of volunteers). This committee is best for preschool and lower school families since this event is only for preschool and K-4 students.
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Chairs and Committee - The Faculty and Staff make the school what it is. This committee plans and executes activities to show the people who work at St. Anne's just how important they are. The nice thing about this committee is that all activities are pre-planned, so you can sign up to help whenever it works for you, as often as you like or just one time!
Library Co-Chairs and Committee - In this committee you can help to plan and execute programming in the library. Activities range from reshelving books to organizing a book swap to checking out books during Off the Shelf Tuesdays after school. (Did you know that all parents can check out books at the St. Anne's library?) Next year we are looking at expanding library initiatives so there is even more fun to be had!
Saints Cares Co-Chairs and Committee - This committee sends a little Saint's love to community members who are going through a hard time (a broken arm, a death) and also to those who are going through a happy time (a new baby in the family, you got selected to be one of the 4 astronauts on the next moon mission!).
Arts Boosters Board
Do you love the arts or have a kid who loves the arts? This committee is for you! Work on initiatives and help support the visual and performing arts across all divisions at St. Anne's.
Click here for more information.
Saints Athletics Club
If you can't get enough of sideline-life, this committee is for you. Help raise funds and plan special programming that helps our Saints win on the field! This committee might be most compelling for families in 7th grade and above, when school sponsored sports begin, but all families are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Click here for more information.
Shoppers Rewards & Support the PA
Shopper's Rewards
Help earn easy funds for our school by shopping Harris Teeter brands.
Just ask your cashier to link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to St. Anne’s-Belfield - School ID 3212 or visit
Saints Closet Uniform Consignment Sale
The Parents' Association (PA) operates Saints’ Closet, gently-used uniform sales for parents and caregivers. Donations and consignments are accepted in gray bins in each division during collection periods.
To donate or consign uniform items, fill out this form and include it in your bag of items. The PA will pay out at 30% of the sale price upfront for all “very good condition” consignment designated items. Items donated (not consigned) return 100% of proceeds to the Parents’ Association to support its programming and initiatives.
Saints’ Closet will open for pop up sales throughout the year.
Please contact Stephanie DeNicola-Turner at if you have any specific needs between sales.
Diversity & Inclusion
We Want to Hear from You!
If you have an expertise or hobby that you would like to share with the School community, we want to hear from you! Please complete the survey below to let us know ways in which you could be involved in or out of the classroom with our students.
* Required
PA President
Megan Carter, P. '31, '31, & '35. (email)
Give to the PA