Student First Name
Student Last Name
2017 - 2018 Student Grade*
Art Major First Choice
It is required to select an Art Major from the list below. Please select your first choice preference.
Please Select…
Saintly Voices
Mozart Orchestra
Visual Arts
Theater Arts
Art Major Second Choice
It is required to select an Art Major from the list below. Please select your second choice preference.
Please Select…
Saintly Voices
Mozart Orchestra
Visual Arts
Theater Arts
Art Major Third Choice
It is required to select an Art Major from the list below. Please select your third choice preference.
Please Select…
Saintly Voices
Mozart Orchestra
Visual Arts
Theater Arts
Art Minor
It is optional to select an Art Minor. Space is limited. Please select here if you are interested in reserving a spot for one of these courses, they will take place during the Electives block.
I am interested in a Theater Arts Minor
I am interested in a Visual Arts Minor
Please send a confirmation email to the address below: